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Amateur Radio
The photo below shows my shack in the basement of my house. Equipment shown on the top shelf includes various power
supplies. The next shelf starting on the left shows a vintage Drake TR-3 and matching RV-3 all vacuum tube HF transceiver. Next
to the TR-3 is a Yaesu FT-857, power supply, and LDG Z-100 autotuner. To the right in the white case is an Instek GDS-840S
dual-channel digital oscilloscope. In the middle of the shelf are various morse keys and misc stuff. To the right is a signal
generator and a remote antenna switch.
The bottom shelf starting from the left hods a KAMplus
TNC and an Alinco 2m transceiver. Just to the right are
stacked a Tokyo High-Power 6M transverter, an AT-100Pro
autotuner and an MFJ sound card interface. These last two
items are connected to an Elecraft K2 HF transceiver.
Next is a Kenwood TS-2000 and a pair of SWR meters. On
the right side is a Drake MN-5 manual tuner (mated to the
TR-3) and an Aliance antenna rotator control head.

Below the shelf on the far left are parts bins for verious
replacement parts. The desk holds a TV, notebook, and
various accessories.
My daughter Joann pose at the base of my tower. It is 66 feet to the
top of the tower. Above the tower can be seen a 3-element cushcraft
A3S beam antenna. It covers 10m, 15m, 20m, and 40m. Above this can
be seen a diamod V-2000 vertica that covers 6m, 2m, and 15cm.
Strung from the tower at about 56 feet is a 160m windom antenna.

The tower consists of seven sections of Rohn-25. The bottom section
is set in 4 feet of concrete. Two sets of guys each terminate at an
anchor also set in concrete.